X: Why, Z? Podcast

About Us


Winston is a chronically online early Gen Z. He grew up in South Vietnam and later immigrated to the US at the age of 12. Winston loves his Asian pop culture, especially Kpop and anime. Some of his other hobbies includes collecting sneakers, building Lego and playing video games. He’s also the Gen Z slang translator for Brian and Tony.




Millennial producer Tony grew up in Johnstown, PA. A yinzer who misses Steelers country, he now lives in the south with his wife. A true child of the 90's, Tony's past times include everything Star Wars (yes, all of it), Marvel comics, Disney, and board games.




Gen X Brian grew up in the Midwest at a time when you went outside to play in the morning and didn't have to come home until dinner. The cold winters eventually drove him south to Florida and ultimately ended up in Atlanta where he now resides with his wife and kids. He got the idea for the podcast when he found himself asking Winston for translations of some of the texts that he would get from his teenage daughters. No cap.


DeJuan of Rabbitt Productions

Executive Producer and Music Producer for the X: Why, Z? podcast.


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